Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week One and Nothing...

So one of my New Year's resolution, (like every other person and their mother) is to lose a few pounds. Okay more like 15.... 20 would be nice... Anyway, I worked out every day this week ranging from aerobics classes, to running 3 miles on the treadmill to spin class.... step on the scale Saturday afternoon and nothing....... I even tried to eat healthier! OKay.... Let's try this again..... It's a new week. Let's shave off those two pounds, BODY!

So this week I'll try to focus more on my food intake (I hate diets and I refuse to do it). I will plan to drink more water, throw in an apple a day, and try to incorporate some veggies for every dinner. I know it sounds very general, but I'll know more once I get a feel for it. Will give you an update soon!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year to all of us! I'm so excited for 2012! I just know it's going to be my year. Finally! Last year wasn't exactly the greatest, but I'm also grateful that I'm okay from it. And if anything, I had some experiences that taught me a thing or two about myself and life! I hope that anyone who's reading this had a moment to themselves to reflect upon 2011 and tucked away all the good moments where they belong and also the bad moments and filed those in their proper places.

I know I've been saying that I will try to post more, not that I'm sure anyone is even reading this, or cares to, but I'd really like to post more, no matter how random it is. So bear with me. This blog is really more for myself anyway.... lol.  Now I feel ackward cause I feel like I'm talking to myself......

PS. Korean tradition is to have Duk Guk (Rice Cake soup) or Mandoo Guk with Duk (Dumplings with Rice Cake soup) on New Years Day, usually for breakfast.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Oh no.... what have I gotten myself into?! I recently watched a recording of a korean pop concert called SMTown Paris, and you should've seen me. I was glued to the television for a good hour just absolutely fascinated by what I was seeing and hearing! Imagine 8 girls, dressed in cute sailor outfits and high heels singing songs that go something like... Run devil, devil run.. run run run....  How much pop music has evolved since the 90s!! (damn.. didn't mean to give away my age). Although, who can forget DJ Doc and Two Two, FinkL, and Roora?! Come on people. But, the new generation of Korean music pop stars are just so damn cute! All in matching outfits, repeating the same words over and over again! how can they NOT be catchy?! I've caught myself walking my dog and stopping abruptly to give little hip thrusts, singing "sorry sorry sorry sorry.... shawty shawty shawty nunee bushuh bushuh bushuh." All right..all right!! .sorry for the graphic image....  >.<  Check it out yourself and tell me you're not hooked.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

at a loss for words...

Today is probably one of the toughest days in my life... I will never forget how I feel at this very moment...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh Bianchi...

My new favorite nail color... Mint green... The first time I saw this color was while surfing the internet. I saw an ad for the Essie Mint Candy Apple and it was love at first sight. I went everywhere they sold Essie products and could not find it. But! Good things come to those who wait... Well that didn't really happen for me. I just found a similar color by China Glaze at Sally Beauty Supply after three days of hounding for this color.

Funny how my cycling buddies don't see it as Tiffany & Co. green, or even just mint chocolate chip ice cream green, or jesus christ just mint green. They see it as Bianchi Celeste green... shaking head*

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to the 29 Club...

Is what came through to my phone at precisely 2 minutes past midnight... Thanks... Thanks a lot...

As superstitious as I am, the moment I opened my eyes, everything that would happen to me the moment I threw off the covers, counted. Of course, I managed to hit every meaningful red light possible which made me 4 minutes late to work. I am now worried that my day is not going to go my way... but it's my birthday! Things have to go right! Haha!

Well, I am officially 29. My final year in my twenties. I guess its not so bad. There are many good things that have come from my early to mid twenties. I am no longer weak to peer pressure. I can finally say no to people (unless you're waving chocolate in front of my face). I have a solid circle of friends. I am very close to my family. I have a stable job. I make good money. I have real reachable goals in line for my 30s. I made it into adulthood! Not the "I'm 18, I am an adult," but the "I am finally-truly-self-sufficient-daughter-of-proud-parents adult."

Let's see how I do in my thirties...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Purl, baby...

After receiving a pair of mittens from Janet, Ben's grandma, I was inspired to learn the art of knitting. I picked up Stitch 'N Bitch, catchy eh? and learned how to make a slip knot and cast on stitches, and from there I continued knit stitching row after row for two and a half weeks until viola! A beautiful gray scarf. Of course I knew from the moment I made that slip knot that this was something I was making for Ben. What a way to be happy by seeing someone you care for wear something you created.

How much more addicting can this be?! Back in the day, women were definitely not knitting out of enjoyment, rather out of necessity. It was one of the things they could do that would not endanger them and guarantee their children to not be motherless. They could also put it down (to cook, clean, care for baby) and pick back up where they left off.

Thank goodness times have changed. I wouldn't want to be wearing the same pair of knitted socks my mom made 5 years ago... or be forced to knit for the family. But even though I knit for fun, I do feel that old-fashioned wholesomeness and motherly/womanlyness that is quite pleasing... I think you would just have to pick up a pair of needles and some yarn to understand what I'm talking about...